How to use QR Code Attendance for COVID19 employee attendance

Updated: May 23, 2023

Company can use this add-on for check in, check out their employees. When they come to office, a receptionist will take body temperature of employee and employee will scan QR Code to access Google Form for entering attendance data and other information which company admin requires to do. For example, they will enter their body temperature during pandemic. It is best for COVID19 attendance.
1. Install Add on

  • Install add on via this link QR Code Attendance or Open your Google Sheet File and then click on Get add-ons menu, enter QR Code Attendance and search and install G QR Code Attendance for classroom & employee add on
    2. Enter data for employee attendance
    You create a Google Sheet file with following columns:
  • Employee Name
  • Employee ID: each employee has an unique identifier code
  • Check-In / Check-out: Addon will write the attendance information in this column. For example, time when employee check in, out.
  • Body degree: it is not a required field. During Covid19 pandemic, your company policy may require to enter body temperature when check in. In this case, add on will write body temperature in this column
  • QR Code Image: Add on will insert QR images into QR Code Image column

    3. Click on QR Code Attendance for classroom & employee menu
    4. Set up Google Form for employee attendance
    4.1. Set up Check in action
  • Choose Employee ID column for QR Code Identifier
  • Enter Google Form title, for example “EMPLOYEE ATTENDANCE”
  • Choose Employee Name column for Description. Employee’s name will be shown below QR Code when exporting data into a PDF file.
  • Choose APPEND for Input Mode. Attendance data will be inserted as new row below employee row.
  • Click the PLUS button
  • Choose Check In/Check Out column for TO COLUMN if you want to track check-in of employee. When you finish choosing TO COLUMN, VALID will display green check.
  • Choose SET (=) for ACTION. Set IN {{ NOW }} value for SELECT VALUE. It means that when employee scan QR Code and submit data from Google Form. Google Form will write time when he or she check in. {{ NOW }} formula will write the current time to sheet. For example, addon will write IN 2023-05-24T02:12:34.723Z to Sheet.
    4.2. Set up Check out action
  • Choose Check In/Check Out column for TO COLUMN if you want to track check-out.
  • Choose SET (=) for ACTION. Set OUT {{ NOW }} value for SELECT VALUE.
    4.3. Set up Body Temperature action if you want to apply Covid19 attendance
  • Enter Body Degree for SELECT LABEL
  • Choose Body Degree column for TO COLUMN if you want to track body temperature.
  • Choose SET (=) for ACTION. Set {{ INPUT }} C value for SELECT VALUE. It means that when employee scan QR Code and submit data from Google Form. Google Form will require employee to enter their body temperature, for instance 36 C (36 celsius). {{ INPUT }} formula will show a textbox which employee should enter required information in Google Form.

    4.4. Set up QR CODE
  • Choose QR CODE IMAGE for Save QR Code Image To
  • Click on PREVIEW to see how QR Codes look like.
  • You can customize a lot of qr code’s attributes such as error correction level, image, label properties, qr code’s size
  • You can insert image, company logo into middle of QR Code, click on Choose File button to choose image, for example I will choose facebook logo. After that, Mode will be 4-Image-Box automatically
  • You can prevent attendance cheating by check One response per user (required sign in). When this option is checked, each employee will only check in one time. Please note that this options requires to sign in Gmail by employee.
  • Company admin can set expire date for attendance tracker by pick date time at the form expired on (ISO Date Format)
    4.5. Generate multiple QR CODES
  • Press SAVE TO PDF to save all qrcodes to pdf file
  • Press SAVE TO SHEET to save all qrcodes to QR code image column

    5. Print, scan QR Code and submit Google Form Data
  • Send these QR Codes which are listed in Google Sheet file or PDF file to all employees
  • Employee will check in, out via scan QR Code and choose CHECK IN or CHECK OUT in Google Form, they can use their body temperature if required. For instance, I am James Jackson. I will scan QR Code when check in as following:
  • Company admin will see attendance result instantly.

    6. Back-up and clean up Google Sheet Attendance Data
  • After a week or a month, Google Sheet worksheet will contain a lot of data so company admin should backup and clean up data
    6.1 Back up data
  • Click on File/ Make a Copy menu of Google Sheet file to back up to other sheetng

    6.2 Clean up data
  • Clean up google sheet file via clicking Data cleaning menu. Choose the column which needs to clean, for example Check-in / Check-out, choose action NOT BLANK. It means that addon will delete all sub-rows of Check-in / Check-out which contains data