Term of service should be very clear and concise. It is the legal agreement between you and a user who wants to use your add-ons. It can also be merely a disclaimer, particularly regarding the use of add-on. You can use the same term of service (TOS) for all add-ons. TOS is shown before installing addon

And before user decides to grant scopes for add-on

You should explain all the following sections in term of service:
- Agreement: Explain clearly that customer must agree to TOS if they want to use add on. Otherwise, they should uninstall it.
- Terminology: Explain all terms, such as Client, You, Party, Us. For instance, You and Your refers to you, Ourselves, We, Our and Us, refers to our Company
- Cookie: Customer needs to know why you use cookie. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy policy in the EU. This law requires us to clearly tell users about cookie policy. You can use Osano Cookie Consent java script library for your website. This website will help you setup and install the Cookie Consent JavaScript plugin.
- Children: You must tell users that you do not collect any personal information of children under 12 years old. US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (Coppa) is a very important law and you should obey that
- If you do not want to write the term of service manually, you can use the Term of Service Generator such as like this
- You can take a look at 2HAC Studio Term of Service.
- Do not worry too much about TOS. Based on my experience, Google Team just skims TOS. You can use our TOS template and tweak a little bit and then upload it to your website.